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impulse to action: a cross-sectoral exploration and conversation

In partnership with Mass Culture’s State of Emergence initiative, Culture/Shift launched this event.

Our interest and commitment to cross-sectoral programming that addresses the place of arts in a multitude of settings and with diverse focus and intention, inspired our facilitation of dialogue with arts and social service practitioners who engage or have interest in engaging across sectors.

Held on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, this virtual gathering included presentations of cross-sectoral partnerships:

Nicole Fougére (Program Director, ArtsPlace Canmore) and Mary Weighall (Project Manager, Right From the Start) shared their work in providing arts-based workshops to elementary school students in Canmore, Alberta that addressed mental health and well-being.

Annie Katsura Rollins, Newcomer Program Lead, Mabelle Arts discussed their unique partnership with the Immigration, Refugees, and Canadian Citizenship department, in the development of a three-year initiative titled Welcome to the Neighbourhood that addresses isolation and connections for new Canadians through art-making.

The presentations were followed by discussion around our guiding questions: 

  • Where does the impulse for the work that we do come from? What drives us to action?

  • How might we come together, across diverse sectors, to support the resiliency and well-being of communities?

  • What can we learn from innovative cross-sectoral projects that are currently working with communities?

This dialogue was a first step in what we anticipate as deeper exploration into methods and resources for collaborative, cross-sectoral arts-based programming.

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