


Arts Stats 2019

Art Stats 2019 turns its lens to artists and arts workers. This report brings together results from a public opinion poll that surveyed over 1500 artists and arts workers to ask questions about costs of work space, homes, essential training and income.

Vital Signs: Arts & Belonging, looks closely at how arts and culture, in all its forms, make our communities better places to live by helping people to better understand their identity and connect through shared arts experiences. The publication draws on community knowledge, a range of government and local data sources, and deeper analysis of responses from a 2015 cross-country survey conducted with the Angus Reid Institute that asked Canadians what it means to belong and be involved community activity.

DoSomething.org is a global movement of millions of young people making positive change, online and off! The 11 facts you want are here.

The 2016 report by the Toronto Arts Council, State of the Arts, identified five key needs:

  1. Opportunities for youth artists

  2. Equitable access for culturally diverse artists and organizations

  3. Access to arts programming for residents outside the downtown

  4. Affordable and accessible arts space

  5. Living wage for artists and arts workers

How are we doing in 2020?

Economic Contribution of Arts and Culture in Ontario

Statistics Canada's release of the Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2017 provides insight into the economic contribution of arts and culture in Ontario and across Canada.

The Ripple Effect:
The Near North Movie Media Lab

– an organization that helps media artists, filmmakers and students in northeastern Ontario access the tools they need to produce and present cutting edge, contemporary media arts.

View this video to learn about how the Ontario Arts Council is supporting artists and investing in the arts through The Ripple Effect.

The Canadian Commission for UNESCO, the Canadian Network for Arts and Learning, and the UNESCO chair for Arts and Learning at Queen’s University (Canada) have formed a partnership to make the case for importance of arts education as a key component of human culture, education, and sustainable development. You can download their position paper here.

Tools | Animating Democracy 

Order from the Americans for the Arts online Bookstore. The Arts and Civic Engagement Tool Kit: Planning Tools and Resources for Animating Democracy in Your Community features customizable worksheets containing thoughtful questions, clarifying sidebars, and examples to help users plan, design, and partner to create meaningful engagement activities.