Since arts experiences offer other modes and ways of experiencing and learning, children will have opportunities to think and feel as they explore, problem solve, express, interpret, and evaluate the process and the results. To watch a child completely engaged in an arts experience is to recognize that the brain is on, driven by the aesthetic and emotional imperative to make meaning, to say something, to represent what matters.
— The Arts Go to School, David Booth and Masayuki Hachiya, eds. - cited in The Ontario Arts Curriculum, Grades 1-8

Culture/Shift is founded on a mandate and commitment to expanding access to meaningful and impactful arts experiences for all children and youth. The inclusive, community-based setting of schools provides a particularly dynamic setting for learning in, through, and about the arts. We have years of experience and a keen interest in partnering with schools and Boards of Education to expand equity of access to arts and culture for all young people in the province.


Here are some of the ways that we would love to work with you:

  • Convene diverse stakeholders to build a network of arts support for your school

  • Design and deliver professional learning for teachers

  • Co-design, facilitate, and evaluate arts-based projects for your school community

  • Increase parent engagement through evidence-based presentations about the impact of quality arts on student success and engagement

  • Engage community through arts-based events at the school

  • Facilitate connections to your local arts organizations and artists

  • Develop an arts policy that reflects the Ontario Arts Curriculum but is customized to support your system priorities

Here are some questions that guide our work with schools:

  • What do young people value about the arts in education? In what ways do the arts support the well-being and academic success of young people?

  • Within the education sector, how do all stakeholders (teachers, school administrators, curriculum leaders, parents, community leaders, artist educators) work together to foster the creativity, critical thinking, and well-being of young people?

  • How might we partner with community to expand youth access to arts and culture?

  • How might we engage young people with diverse creative practices and processes in ways that matter to them?