Arts Beyond the Pages

Families in Scarborough-Agincourt are invited to participate in a series of sessions exploring the arts and literacy with a professional artist. Arts Beyond the Pages offers 4 sessions per family which will take place between November 2021 and February 2022.

To submit your Expression of Interest application, visit:

To learn more about the project, you can view the informational version, or view the slideshow below by clicking the “<“ and “>” arrows.

This project is organized in partnership with Art Echoes Collective and is supported by the Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts.

Making Connections:

Arts and Education Partnerships

In 2018, working in partnership with the city of Barrie arts, culture and education stakeholders, we brought together organizations and school board representatives to explore potential partnerships and new ways of creative engagement for young people in the region.

Facilitating Connections Across Sectors

Facilitating Connections Across Sectors

Making Connections:

engaging parent communities

Supporting advocacy for arts in schools, since 2017, Agincourt Arts Intersections has been connecting parents, educators, artists and school administrators in shared learning about the value of the arts in every child’s education and well being.

Arts Intersections - Arts Bus Tour 2019

Arts Intersections - Arts Bus Tour 2019

Birch Tree Bell Box - Mural Routes ProjectArtist: Emily Harrison, 2013

Birch Tree Bell Box - Mural Routes Project

Artist: Emily Harrison, 2013

Leadership Development:


As Mural Routes was experiencing transitional change, we worked closely with their new, emerging leaders to support their learning and strengthen their capacity to impact processes and programming moving towards a re-envisioned strategic plan.

Woodland Cultural Centre Education department

Woodland Cultural Centre Education department

Leadership Development:

Professional Learning

The Woodland Cultural Centre called upon Culture/Shift to facilitate a series of professional learning opportunities for staff in the Education department. We were able to provide frameworks for a critical examination of provincial policy and curriculum, while honouring and centering Indigenous voices at the table.