Community, Wellness and Resilience through the Arts

Culture/Shift recently hosted a virtual plenary featuring three remarkable arts practitioners and leaders in the fields of arts, community and wellness.

Panelists Isabel Fryszberg, Doris Rajan, and Vanessa Barnett shared how their work focuses on inspiring creative expression and supporting resilient communities. Here are the slide deck and video from this event.

Welcome! Adjust speaker volume The presentation will begin shortly. For more information on Culture/Shift Arts, please visit

A Conversation with Arts Leaders

Culture/Shift brought together a group of arts community and arts education leaders to share experiences and imagine possibilities . This Venn diagram captures some of the thinking about common ground shared across the arts & culture and education sectors. It also documents aspects of the work that participants identified as specific to each context.

Culture/Shift: A Conversation with Arts Leaders, June 23, 2020

Culture/Shift: A Conversation with Arts Leaders, June 23, 2020